How to earn ABPath-Approved CME/SAM from your PathologyOutlines searches

Orbit Pathology now lets you earn CME/SAM for pathology articles you already read at work

2 min readMay 29, 2020
Article pages on PathologyOutlines are now available for CME through Orbit. In this screenshot, you can see the Orbit plugin installed in the top right of this Chrome browser (red circle).

PathologyOutlines ( is the largest open-access pathology reference in the world. The founder of PathologyOutlines is Nat Pernick MD, an AP/CP board certified Pathologist (residency-Wayne State University ’99, fellowship in surgical pathology and research-Wayne State ‘00), a lawyer, a computer programmer, and the former Special Assistant Attorney General for the State of Michigan.

Your web searches on PathologyOutlines are now eligible for ABPath-approved pathology CME/SAM through Orbit Pathology. Although Orbit Pathology is not affiliated with PathologyOutlines, we’re a big fan of open-access publication and incorporating high-quality peer-reviewed literature as part of the clinical work flow.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Open your Chrome browser on your laptop or desktop.
  2. Register for any plan with Orbit Pathology.
  3. Search reference article pages on

For each reference article on that you read, you’ll get 0.5 credits towards your CME/SAM requirement for the ABPath and state boards.

Questions? Email — they’re happy to help.

Step 1: Visit Orbit Pathology, click “Get the Plugin”

Click here to access Orbit Pathology, or go to Then click “Get The Plugin”.

Click the screenshot above to access Orbit Pathology

Step 2: Select any Orbit Pathology plan

Select any plan at Orbit Pathology to get started earning CME with your PathologyOutlines searches.

Step 3: Visit articles on PathologyOutlines

Each article you visit while logged into Orbit earns you 0.5 CME/SAM approved by the ABPath.

The Orbit plugin turns blue (top right) to confirm you are earning CME/SAM for visiting PathologyOutlines.

Questions? Email

— Orbit Staff

Orbit is the easiest way to earn pathology CME from home, approved by the ABPath for SAM/CME.




Written by Orbit

Orbit’s mission is to invest in the wellness of medical professionals.

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