How to earn ABPath-Approved CME/SAM from your PathologyOutlines searches
Orbit Pathology now lets you earn CME/SAM for pathology articles you already read at work
PathologyOutlines ( is the largest open-access pathology reference in the world. The founder of PathologyOutlines is Nat Pernick MD, an AP/CP board certified Pathologist (residency-Wayne State University ’99, fellowship in surgical pathology and research-Wayne State ‘00), a lawyer, a computer programmer, and the former Special Assistant Attorney General for the State of Michigan.
Your web searches on PathologyOutlines are now eligible for ABPath-approved pathology CME/SAM through Orbit Pathology. Although Orbit Pathology is not affiliated with PathologyOutlines, we’re a big fan of open-access publication and incorporating high-quality peer-reviewed literature as part of the clinical work flow.
Follow these steps to get started:
- Open your Chrome browser on your laptop or desktop.
- Register for any plan with Orbit Pathology.
- Search reference article pages on
For each reference article on that you read, you’ll get 0.5 credits towards your CME/SAM requirement for the ABPath and state boards.
Questions? Email — they’re happy to help.
Step 1: Visit Orbit Pathology, click “Get the Plugin”
Click here to access Orbit Pathology, or go to Then click “Get The Plugin”.
Step 2: Select any Orbit Pathology plan
Step 3: Visit articles on PathologyOutlines
Each article you visit while logged into Orbit earns you 0.5 CME/SAM approved by the ABPath.
Questions? Email
— Orbit Staff